MTCH112-I/SN SMD ICMTCH112 Dual Channel Proximity Touch ICThe MTCH112 uses a sophisticated optimizat..
Rs.127.44 (inc GST)
Rs.108.00 + GST
SKU: 3604 | DAD971
Stock: 100
PIC10f200 Microcontroller
PIC10f200 MicrocontrollerThe PIC10F200 is a low-cost, high-performance, 8-bit, fully static, Flash-b..
Rs.80.24 (inc GST)
Rs.68.00 + GST
SKU: 0448 | DAA302
Stock: 0
PIC10F220 Microcontroller
PIC10F220 MicrocontrollerPIC10F220 Microcontroller from MicrochipThe PIC10F220 is a low-cost, high-p..
Rs.88.50 (inc GST)
Rs.75.00 + GST
SKU: 0458 | DAA303
Stock: 0
PIC12F683 Microcontroller
PIC12F683 8-Bit MicrocontrollerPIC12F683 8-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with na..
Rs.101.48 (inc GST)
Rs.86.00 + GST
SKU: 3810 | DAF912
Stock: 0
PIC16f1829-I/SO Microcontroller (SMD Package)
PIC16F1829-I/SO MicrocontrollerPIC16F1829 8-Bit CMOS Flash Microcontroller from Microchip with Nanow..
Rs.849.60 (inc GST)
Rs.720.00 + GST
SKU: 3176 | DAD090
Stock: 50
PIC16F1939-I/PT Microcontroller (TQFP Package)
PIC16F1939-I/PT MicrocontrollerPIC16F1939 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller from MicrochipPIC16f1939 is a v..
Rs.320.96 (inc GST)
Rs.272.00 + GST
SKU: 3175 | DAC698
Stock: 1
PIC16F72 Microcontroller
PIC16f72 MicrocontrollerPIC16f72 is a low cost 28 pin microcontroller from Microcohip with Ana..
Rs.205.32 (inc GST)
Rs.174.00 + GST
SKU: 0318 | DAA308
Stock: 4
PIC16f886 Microcontroller
PIC16f886 MicrocontrollerThis powerful yet easy-to-program (only 35 single word instructions) CMOS F..
Rs.204.61 (inc GST)
Rs.173.40 + GST
SKU: 0453 | DAA313
Stock: 0
PIC18F25K22-I/SP Microcontroller
PIC18F25K22-I/SP MicrocontrollerMicrochip PIC18F25K22 Low Power, High Performance MicrocontrollerMic..
Rs.377.60 (inc GST)
Rs.320.00 + GST
SKU: 3163 | DAD047
Stock: 4
PIC18F4520-I/PT SMD TQFP Package
PIC18F4520-I/PTPIC18f4520 44-PIN PIC Microcontroller with 10 bit A/DPIC18f4520 offers the advantages..
Rs.1,074.98 (inc GST)
Rs.911.00 + GST
SKU: 2613 | DAE039
Stock: 2
PIC18F46K22-I/PT Microcontroller (TQFP Package)
PIC18F46K22-I/PT MicrocontrollerPIC18F46K22 LOW Power, High Performance Microcontroller from Microch..
Rs.566.40 (inc GST)
Rs.480.00 + GST
SKU: 3174 | DAE372
Stock: 9
PIC18F67K22-I/PT Microcontroller (TQFP Package)
PIC18F67K22-I/PT MicrocontrollerPIC18F67K22 PIC Microcontroller with 1-Mbit Enhanced Flash Microcont..
Rs.1,628.40 (inc GST)
Rs.1,380.00 + GST