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Cell Phone Operated Land Rover


Cell Phone Operated Land Rover


In this project a mobile is attached to the Robot. The user can call the mobile from any landline or cell phone and accordingly control the movement of the robot. Whenever a user presses a button a tone corresponding to button pressed is heard at the other end (Robots end). This tone is then decoded by our circuit and then necessary action is taken.


The purpose of this project is to design a simple and an automated system that can be used to control Land Rover (Robot) in the event that one is not present to control it manually. The means of accessing the system will be through a remote telephone (cell phone or Landline). The proposed land rover can move in forward and reverse directions. You would also be able to steer it towards left and right directions.In the age of ubiquitous systems it is important to be able to control robots everywhere. Although many methods to remotely control robots have been devised, the methods have the problems such as the need for special devices or software to control the robots. This project implements a simple method for robotic control using the DTMF tone.

Block Diagram:

Block Diagram for Cell Phone Operated Land Rover

Cell Phone Operated Land Rover


In this project the robot is controlled by cell-phone that makes a call to the cell-phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call if any button is pressed a tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end of the call the tone is called dual-tone multiple/frequency (DTMF TONE) the robot perceives this DTMF tone with the help of the phone stacked in the robot. The received tone is processed by the microcontroller with the help of DTMF decoder MT8870.The decoder decodes the DTMF tone into its equivalent binary digit and this binary number is sent to the microcontroller. The microcontroller is preprogrammed to take a decision for any given input and outputs its decision to motor drives in order to drive the motor for forward or backward motion or a turn.


Five keys are used to operate the robot:

  1. KEY ‘5’: Used to STOP the robot.
  2. KEY ‘6’: Used to rotate the robot in right Direction.
  3. KEY ‘4’: Used to rotate the robot in left Direction.
  4. KEY ‘8’: Used to move the robot in reverse Direction.
  5. KEY ‘2’: Used to move the robot in forward Direction.

The robot movement is done by rotating the left & right motors in forward or reverse directions.


  1. Robots don't get bored, so work that is repetitive and unrewarding is no problem for a robot.
  2. When the task required would be dangerous for a person, they can do the work instead.
  3. Robots never get sick or need to rest, so they can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  4. Can Be Used In All Kinds Of Environment.
  5. Accuracy Is Very High.
  6. No Manual Interpretation Required.
  7. Compact, Power Efficient.
  8. Components used are economical.
  9. Circuit is very simple.

Future Scope:


  1. Night vision
  2. Equipped with Missiles
  3. Radar Implementation.
  4. Multiple sensors like thermal etc
  5. Use of solar power
  6. Distance sensing and position logging & transmission

Text Books:

  1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi –“THE 8051 MICROCONTROLLER AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS”, Pearson education,




  1. Electronics for you
  2. Electrikindia

Written by Amol Shah

Amol Shah

Founder of DNA Technology an Electronic Engineer by choice. Started working on this website as an Hobby and now its a full time venture. Very passionate about Electronics and like to learn new stuff. Want to make DNA Technology one of the best Online Store for Electronics Components in India.
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