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Remote based Mouse Control

Remote based Mouse Control


The project is designed to use a TV remote as a cordless mouse for the computer. A conventional PC/laptop uses a mouse to operate and control all its applications. As a PC mouse is wired to the system, one has to sit near the PC to operate it. This becomes very tedious when the PC is used for presentation purposes (when using a projector). In this proposed system TV remote can be used as a cordless mouse, and the user need not operate the PC sitting near it.

A typical TV remote sends coded infrared data that is read by an IR sensor interfaced to an 8051 family microcontroller we will be using 89c2051 controller. The data received by the microcontroller is send to the COM port of a PC through MAX232 IC. This IR code is traditionally RC5 code as followed by some manufacturers. A VB based Software is used on the PC that recognizes data received from the circuit through the COM port and performs the required operation. Designated numbers on the TV remote are used to perform up - down, right - left cursor movement. Features like left click and right click of the mouse can also be performed with of the TV remote.

Block Diagram:

Figure shows the block diagram of system.

Remote based Mouse Control

Hardware Requirement:

  1. Controller: 89c2051
  2. Level Shifting IC: MAX232
  3. IR Sensor : TSOP 1840

Software Requirement:

  1. Keil as Compiler. Coding in Assembly Language.
  2. Protel for PCB designing,
  3. Proteus for Circuit Diagram.

Future Scope:

  1. Instead of TV remote we can use Bluetooth Mobile. So communication can be done using Bluetooth.
  2. Keypad for typing can also be included.
  3. Software can be upgraded to use for linux and also for MAC.


  1. Low cost system.
  2. Can be connected easily to all laptops & PC.
  3. 5-10m range so sufficient for any room.


  1. External Power supply required.
  2. Line of sight required.

Text Books:

  1. Muhammad Ali Mazidi –“THE 8051 MICROCONTROLLER AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS”, Pearson education,




  1. Electronics for you
  2. Electrikindia
Written by Amol Shah

Amol Shah

Founder of DNA Technology an Electronic Engineer by choice. Started working on this website as an Hobby and now its a full time venture. Very passionate about Electronics and like to learn new stuff. Want to make DNA Technology one of the best Online Store for Electronics Components in India.
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