Sonoff wifi Smart Switches
Sonoff IoT Based Smart Home Automation
Smart Home automation is quite a trend now a days and there are plenty of devices that let you control lights, fans, monitor temperature and power consumption via an app on your mobile.
DNA Technology is proud to bring to you Sonoff smart switches which is a very popular IoT based device that can turn any device into a smart device which can be controlled anywhere from the world. Sonoff smart modules has a small form factor, low cost, cloud based control and easy to use . Sonoff is a product of Itead and is getting very famous all over the world and we are very glad to introduce in India.
Sonoff also works with Google Assistant, Google Home, Google Nest and all Amazon Alexa devices (Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, and Amazon Tap).
Coming soon.....
If any esquires regarding Sonoff switches feel free to email us at dnatechindia @
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